After Me, the Jihad – Gaddafi’s Unheeded Warning to the West (

America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya (

Clinton Allowed Stevens to Die in Benghazi to Keep Saudi Government Involvement in Syria Secret (

Cruise Missiles With Depleted Uranium on Libya (

Gaddafi Predicted and Tried to Stop this Terror Wave in UK – So the U.S. Murdered Him… (

Gaddafi Was Killed by French Secret Serviceman on Orders of Nicolas Sarkozy – Sources Claim (

Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention (

How Al Qaeda Men Came to Power in Libya (

Lessons that Should Have Been Learned from NATO’s Destruction of Libya (

Libya and The End of Western illusions (

Libya – From Africa’s Richest State under Gaddafi, to Failed State after NATO Intervention (

Libya in Anarchy Two Years after NATO ‘Humanitarian’ Liberation (

Libya – Naked, Bloody Imperialism or “We Came, We Saw, He Died” (

Libya – The Real War Starts Now (

NATO Incorporates Libyan Experience for Global War Template (

NATO’s Inevitable War – The Flood of Lies Regarding Libya (

“Operation Libya” (

Post-Gadhafi Libya – Naked Neo-Imperialism – The Daylight Robbery of Libyan Resources (

Revolt In Libya – A Message to Chavez (

Six Years Ago today the U.S. helped Murder Gaddafi to Stop the Creation of Gold-Backed Currency (

The Benghazi Scandal is Obama’s Watergate but Worse (

The Benghazi Talking Points and How They Were Changed to Obscure The Truth (

The “Liberation” of Libya – NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands – “Former Terrorists” Join the “Pro-democracy” Bandwagon (

The Libyan War, American Power and The Decline of The Petrodollar System (

The New Libya – Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching… (

The Truth About the Situation in Libya – Cutting Through Government Propaganda and Media Lies (

Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and The Triumph of Televised Propaganda – The Invasion of Libya (

War is Good for Business – Rebuilding Libya With Stolen Money (

War on Drugs in Afghanistan Revealed As Total Hoax – U.S. Military Admits to Guarding, Assisting Lucrative Opium Trade (

Who Are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons? (

WikiLeaks Cables Expose Washington’s Close Ties to Gaddafi (


Libya & Gaddafi – The Truth you are not supposed to know

Libya and Gaddafi – Setting the Record Straight (

Lizzie Phelan Interview on NY times

“In Libya Now the Truth Is Coming Out” – New York Times Interview With Lizzie Phelan (

Potent News: Michel Chossudovsky On OWS Movement & Libyan War (1/3)

Michel Chossudovsky on ‘Occupy Wall Street Movement’ and Libyan War (

Books & Treatises

Breach of Duty – Hillary Clinton and Catastrophic Failure in Benghazi

The Green Book – Mulazim Awwal Mu’ammar Muhammad Abu Monyar al-Qadhafi

Invasion of Libya in 2011: International (