Towards a Pre-emptive Nuclear War? – Why Moscow Does Not Trust Washington on Missile Defense (

To Avoid a Nuclear War with Iran – Fidel Castro’s Speech At Cuban Parliament – August 2010 (

Targeting Iran – Is the US Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? (

Obama Threatens Iran with Nuclear War (

Israel Will Use Iranians and Pakistanis as Scapegoats in a Scapegoat Dirty Nuclear Plot (

A Forceful Message Calling for World Peace and The Survival of Humankind – Fidel’s Message Against Nuclear War (

“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map” – U.S. Nuclear Attack against USSR Planned During World War II (

The Source of Wars – “Today, Everything Hangs by a Thread”…. An Incident Could Set in Motion an All-Out Nuclear War (

The Impending Dangers of Nuclear War – America’s W88 Thermonuclear Warhead is 30 Times a Hiroshima Bomb (

Signs that Russia is Preparing to Fight (and Win) a Nuclear War with The United States (

Prompt Global Strike – America’s Imperial Design – World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons (

Preparing to Attack Iran With Nuclear Weapons – “No Option Can Be Taken Off the Table” (

Nuclear Weapons and The Survival of The Homo Sapiens (

Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States” – Are Turkey, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy Nuclear Powers? (

Concealing The Risk of An All-Out Nuclear War – Real Versus Fake Crises (

Air Force Eyes Subway for Nuclear Missiles – Mobile Doomsday Trains (

Air Force Sidelines 17 Nuclear Missile Officers – Commander Cites ‘Rot’ in System (

Critical Mass – The Real Story of the Birth of the Atomic Bomb and the Nuclear Age (

Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations

Nuclear Posture Review Report – 2010

U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe

Part 1

Part 2