Table of Contents:
Satanic Hypnosis
Depth of a Trance
Hypnotizing Others


We all have a right side and a left side brain.

Human Brain (

The left side of the brain is our conscious mind that we use every day to make conscious decisions and use logic. 

This is the active masculine side of the brain. 

The passive side is the right side of the brain. 

This is the receptive feminine side. 

The right side of the brain is highly suggestible and the side we access in both meditation and hypnosis.

In order to access the passive right side, the active left side must be subdued. 

This is analogous to turning off the electricity in a home or building in order to access the wiring. If the electricity is not turned off, a shock will prevent accessing any wires. 

The mind works the same way.

The more subdued the active left side is, the deeper the trance, the deeper the trance, the more receptive the passive right side is.

In order to effectively hypnotize yourself, you must be deep in a trance. 

To hypnotize another person, you must put that person deep into a trance- the deeper, the better.

In order to hypnotize someone, the operator must establish some sort of rapport. 

People who are highly suggestible, impressionable, and gullible make the best subjects. 

Those who are nervous, cynical, and uncomfortable with being hypnotized are difficult to work with. 

The CIA and other unethical professionals use barbiturates to put resistant subjects under. 

They use just enough so the mind will still be receptive to suggestions. 

If too much is used, the session will prove futile.

The success of the session depends upon how set the mind is regarding the suggestions. 

Chronic and longstanding problems, deep seeded hang-ups, and mental blocks require many sessions to overcome. 

The suggestions and affirmations must be repeated and repeated to break down walls in the mind.

With hypnosis, the operator is in control. 

The extent of this control with a professional is equal to the subject turning his/her entire life over to the operator who can command him/her to do anything. 

There have been numerous reports of psychiatrists putting their patients under and having sex with them. 

The patient was told during the session she would not remember the incident upon awakening.

This is a common example. 

When you allow another person to hypnotize you, you are literally putting your entire life in their hands and with each session, you become more and more under that person’s control.

In order to prevent any other person from hypnotizing you, you have to program your mind that you will never be hypnotized by another person.

This creates a block.

Hypnotists have been known to place their own blocks in the minds of their subjects.

Some have placed several.

The most common is the subject experiencing total amnesia concerning the session.

Other blocks used by unethical hypnotists include the subject only being able to be hypnotized by the operator and no one else.

These involved court cases where the operator used the amnesic subject to commit crimes.

The human mind can be programmed to experience amnesia given any situation.

Satanic Hypnosis

Satanic Hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis that is extremely effective.

With standard self-hypnosis, one enters into a trance and makes repeated affirmations to modify behavior.

With Satanic hypnosis, one breathes in the energy of a specific color that corresponds to the desired goal.

The Magickal Properties of Color (

The results are much more extensive and powerful than just plain self-hypnosis. 

With Satanic hypnosis, we work with our aura.

Here is an example of Satanic hypnosis:

Say you want to attract money:

Breathe in as you would for the Energy Meditation; from all sides of your body at the same time, the color gold.

Energy Meditation (

A bright, rich vibrant gold, like the sun.

This should be done while in as deep as a trance as possible.

While breathing in the green and brightening your aura with it affirm:

I am breathing in powerful energy that is attracting me a lot of free and easy money in a very positive way.

This money is free and all mine to keep.

Say this several times with intent while you breathe in the gold. 

Gold is the color of money and riches, not green. 

Green is the color of currency in certain countries, but gold is the color of real riches behind all currencies. 

It really works but has to be done every several days to keep the money coming.

Afterwards, breathe in vibrant white light to balance your aura for several breaths.

Say you want to lose weight:

You would want to use sky blue to speed up your metabolism and affirm:

I am breathing in blue energy that is speeding up my metabolism in a healthy way and causing me to lose excess body fat.

You have to repeat this several times anywhere from 5-10 and continue breathing in the blue energy.

Eiffel 65 – Blue (Da Ba Dee) [Gabry Ponte Ice Pop Mix] (Original Video with subtitles)

This will have to be done daily until you see results and repeated whenever necessary.

Always make sure you say “in a positive” or “in a healthy” way. 

Mind workings always take the easiest route, and you don’t want to get thin through disease or obtain money through the insurance claim form the loss of a loved one. 

Be sure to cover all your bases when working with your mind.

Depth of a Trance

Determining the depth of a trance:

The light trance state:

  • The subject is physically relaxed.
  • The subject’s eyelids may flutter or twitch.
  • Sounds may become painful.

Light to medium trance state:

  • The subject’s limbs feel heavy.
  • The subject’s breathing becomes slower and deeper.
  • Intense feeling of deep relaxation (the subject does not feel like moving, speaking or thinking).
  • The subject feels detached from his/her surroundings.

Medium trance state:

  • The subject is aware of the trance but cannot describe it.
  • Suggestive state (For example, the operator suggests the subject has an ant on his/her arm and the subject can actually feel it crawling, even though there is nothing there or the operator suggests there is smoke in the room and the subject smells it, though there is no smoke).
  • Catalepsy: A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.

Deep or somnambulistic trance state:

  • The subject can open eyes without affecting the trance.
  • Fixed stare and pupil dilation when eyes are opened.
  • Complete amnesia.
  • Systemized post-hypnotic amnesia.
  • Uncontrolled movements of eyeballs.
  • Sensation of lightness, floating, swinging or falling.
  • The subject experiences a distortion of sound.
  • The subject can control his/her involuntary body functions- i.e., heart rate, blood pressure.
  • Recall of lost memories.
  • Age regression.
  • Visual hallucinations.
  • Auditory hallucinations.
  • Total Anesthesia.

Methods of testing the depth of the trance:

The operator must establish the depth of the trance in order to remain in control of the session. 

This is done by testing the subject for their receptivity to the operator’s suggestions. 

The most common method used is where the operator tells the subject he/she cannot move his/her arm.


Your arm is stuck to the chair, you cannot lift it, and when I count to five, I want you to try to lift it.

If you have cooperated, you will find that the harder you try to lift your arm, the more it remains stuck to the chair.

The operator then counts to five, saying after each number,

Your arm is stuck to the chair.

When five is reached, if the subject cannot move his/her arm, they are in a trance. 

If the subject can move his/her arm, he/she has not accepted the suggestion. 

The operator must start all over again and explain he/she can do nothing without the subject’s cooperation. 

It is always important to secure the trust of the subject.

The next stage is where the operator deepens the trance and again checks to see how deep the subject has gone. 

The operator tells the subject he/she will stroke the back of the subject’s hand and he/she will feel an increasing numbness and loss of sensation in that hand. 

After a few minutes of stroking, and speaking, the operator pinches the back of the subject’s hand and then does the same with the back of the other hand that has not been stroked and asks the subject if he/she can feel any difference. 

If the subject replies that there is a difference, this stage of trance has been achieved; if not, the operator explains to the subject that further work on deepening the trance must be done. More sessions will be needed to take the subject deeper and deeper.

The next stage the operator tests is an even deeper stage. If the subject has advanced to this stage, he/she will be amnesic.

The operator tells the subject to imagine that he/she is standing in front of a blackboard with a piece of white chalk and instructs him/her to take the chalk and write three words on the board.

Now I want you to take the chalk and write the following three words on the blackboard: First, tree; next grass and lastly cloud.

Raise your arm when you are finished writing the three words.

When the subject has signaled, he/she is done writing the words, the operator instructs him/her that there is an eraser on the ledge of the Blackboard and says,

I want you to take the eraser and erase the words tree and grass, leaving only the word ‘cloud.’

As you erase the words, I want you to also erase them from your mind, so that all you can think of now is ‘cloud’ ‘cloud.’

You are going into a deeper and deeper sleep.

You are in a deep, sound sleep and all you can think of is the word ‘cloud.’

Now, what were the three words you wrote on the blackboard?

If the subject is able to remember the three words, he/she has not yet reached the amnesic stage of trance.

If not, the subject has reached this stage of deep trance.

The operator should then say,

When I count to three, you will then remember the three words and repeat them to me.

The subject should then be able to remember the words and repeat them.

In order to be able to place the subject in this stage of trance the next time the operator performs the hypnosis, he/she should tell the subject before bringing him/her back:

From now on, whenever I put you into a trance, you will have reached the same depth of trance as you are in now by the time, I have counted to ten.

The operator then brings the subject out of the trance:

I am now going to count up to five.

When I reach five, you will be wide awake and feel refreshed and fine.


For self-hypnosis, you need to get yourself into a deep trance.

The following is an excerpt from “A Treatise on Astral Projection” by Robert Bruce:

“How To Enter a Trance”

Relax and calm your mind through breath awareness. 

Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the dark. 

Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can feel yourself doing it. 

On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder. 

On the inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.

What is needed is a mental falling effect inside your mind. 

This changes the level of brain wave activity from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta). 

Once your level of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance. 

Keep doing this for as long as it takes. 

The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.

Note: Once you get the heavy feeling, stop the mental falling exercise. 

If you don’t like the ladder, imagine you are in a lift [elevator], feel yourself falling on the exhale and holding on the inhale, or, imagine you are a feather, feel yourself floating down on the exhale and holding still on the inhale. 

As I stated above, you need a mental falling effect to lower your level of brain wave activity. 

This mental falling effect, when combined with deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the trance state. 

Feel free to use any scenario you are familiar with to bring about this going deeper feeling.

A trance feels like:

Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. 

There is a very slight humming feeling in your body. 

Everything feels different. 

It feels a bit like putting a cardboard box over your head in the dark, you can feel the atmosphere change. 

It’s like everything goes fuzzy or slightly blurred. 

Any sharp noises, while in trance are painful.

Deep Trance

The level of trance you achieve depends greatly on your relaxation, concentration skills and will power. 

To enter a deeper trance, i.e., Theta level and beyond, you have to concentrate much more and for much longer, on the mental falling sensation aided by breath awareness.

The first level of trance, i.e., when you get very heavy, is quite deep enough for projection.

I strongly advise against forcing yourself deeper than a light trance, until you have plenty of experience with the trance state.

How can you tell if you are entering a deep trance?

There are four very noticeable symptoms:

1. An uncomfortable feeling of cold that doesn’t make you shiver, coupled with a steady loss of body heat.

2. Mentally, you will feel very odd, and everything will feel extremely slooooow.

Your thought processes will slow down as if you had been given a strong pain killing injection.

3. You will feel disassociated from your body, i.e., a strong floating sensation and everything will seem far away.

4. Total physical Paralysis.


These four things, ALL TOGETHER, signify you are entering a deep trance. 

Do not mistake the mild floating sensation you sometimes get with light trance, i.e., as your astral body comes loose. 

Or the slight loss of body heat from sitting still for a long time and the mild paralysis, i.e., the heaviness, for a deep trance. 

The sensation of deep trance is quite uncomfortable and unmistakable for what it is.

It is very difficult to get into the deep trance state, as you need highly developed relaxation, concentration and trance state skills plus lots and lots of will power and mental energy. 

You will not accidentally fall into it. 

If you are worried you are going too deep, remember this: You CAN pull yourself out of it at any time. 

Concentrate ALL your will on moving your fingers or toes. 

Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes. 

Falling into a deep trance should not be a problem with these exercises.

Energy Body Expansion

At some point after entering the trance state, you will feel a mild paralysis come over you.

This will soon be accompanied by a deepening vibration and a buzzing feeling all over.

You may also feel like you are huge and swollen.

The paralysis, vibrations and the huge feeling are symptoms of the energy body expanding and the astral body loosening.

This is part of the normal sleep process.

The energy body expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy.

During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body.”

[End of Excerpt]

Some people use a tape recorder and listen to the talking through and statements. 

The drawback here is when in a deep trance state, sounds can become painful and jar the nervous system. 

Everyone is individual and one should experiment to find the best individual methods. 

What works for one person may not work for another.

While in this state, you can regress into a past life, by walking through a door or “portal” in your mind.

The deep trance state is the time to make repeated affirmations to yourself to program your mind. 

Self-hypnosis is much like hypnotizing others, with the exception, you make the statements to yourself. 

Again, several sessions may be necessary.

Bring yourself out slowly and gradually, as you would do in returning from the astral.

Hypnotizing Others

In order to effectively hypnotize another person, that person must be completely and deeply relaxed. 

The person should be sitting comfortably in a reclined position. 

When lying down, the subject is likely to fall asleep.

You must stay calm and in control at all times.

Begin by talking the subject through total body relaxation. 

Start at the feet, have the subject tense them up and relax them; then the ankles, the calves, knees and so on, working your way to the subject’s face and head.

When the subject is fully relaxed, tell him/her to remember a happy event that took place in their past. 

Ask him/her questions about it, where it took place, who was there, how he/she felt, what was in the room or area the event took place and so forth. 

This is done to activate the intuitive right side of the subject’s brain and the subconscious mind of memory.

When you are finished with the above, tell the subject you are going to count backwards.

With each number, he/she will become more and more relaxed:

Ten;   you are becoming more and more relaxed than before.

Nine;   you are drifting down deeper and deeper into total relaxation.

Eight;   your body is totally relaxed; you can barely feel your body.

Seven;   you are completely relaxed and feel very peaceful.

Six;   with each breath, you are relaxing more and more with each exhalation.

Five;   we are going all the way down into the deepest level of relaxation.

Four;   relax… three, two, one.

You want to determine the depth of the trance at this stage.

If the subject is new to hypnosis, more sessions are usually needed before he/she is able to enter a deep trance.

To deepen the trance:

Ten; you are becoming more and more relaxed than before.

Nine;  you are drifting down deeper and deeper into total relaxation.

Eight;  your body is totally relaxed; you can barely feel your body.

Seven;  you are completely relaxed and feel very peaceful.

Six;  with each breath, you are relaxing more and more with each exhalation.

Five;  we are going all the way down into the deepest level of relaxation.

Four;  relax… three, two, one.

Again, you want to determine the depth of the trance at this stage. 

If the subject is new to hypnosis, more sessions are usually needed before he/she is able to enter a deep trance. 

Repeat the steps directly above this paragraph if the subject is still not at the desired level of trance.

Here is where you will program the subject’s mind.

Make short to the point statements that deal with a specific area or problem.

Only work on one problem per session and make sure the problem is resolved before moving onto another.

Make all statements to be in the present tense.

“Will” never comes and the mind does not understand the future tense.


Put the subject into a deep trance and say:

I am going to count backward from 10-1.

With each number, you will enter a deeper and deeper state of relaxation.

When I reach one, you will be standing in front
 of a door.

Slowly count backwards.

You are standing in front of a closed door. 

I am going to count backwards from ten to one and when I reach one, I want you to turn the knob and open the door…. 3, 2, 1.

Now ask the subject if he/she opened the door. 

If not, he/she is not deep enough into the trance for this session to be effective. 

Either put him/her further under or bring him/her out of the trance and end the session.

If he/she opened the door, then say:

I now want you to walk through the door.

You are now in a previous life.

Look around you, what do you see?

What is the current date?

Who are you?

Continue telling him/her through the experience.

When you are ready to bring the person out-

I am going to count from one to five.

At the count of five, you will open your eyes, be wide awake, alert and feeling fine.

1… 2… 3… 4… 5.

Open your eyes.

If you wish to do a mind wipe, where the subject will not remember anything from the session, be sure to tell them at the end of the session:

When you awaken, you will remember nothing of this session.

Your last memory will be coming through the door.

(Whatever happened before the session.)

With professional hypnosis, a mind wipe is often necessary of the subject experiences trauma during a regression.


Attracting wealth:

You are attracting more and more money.

Your life is filled with wealth, and you have everything you want.

(Similar statements for money.)

For Healing:

Have the subject to visualize a bright ball of light like the Sun.

Tell him/her to visualize this light on the afflicted body part.

The light is healing energy, that is healing your ______________.

Say to the subject:

Visualize a ball of bright light, like the Sun.

Do you see the ball of light?

The subject should answer, “Yes.”

I want you to place the ball of light on your (name of body part).

Completely surround (name of body part) with the ball of light, feel the warm energy healing your _____.

The light is full of healing energy that is healing your (name of body part).

Your ______ is becoming normal and healthy.

Keep talking the subject through this healing process. 

This may have to be done several times, especially if the problem is chronic.

Hypnosis is useful in many areas.

It can be used to strengthen concentration, improve intelligence and memory, rid oneself of phobias and bad habits, establishing good habits and so on.


Bioelectric Technology & the Black Arts of Hypnotism (